23 March 2009
19 March 2009
Osama Bin Laden's niece Wafah Dufour is set to play a rare London gig with her band tonight (March 19).
The singer - who Black Lips want to collaborate with - will play east London's Old Blue Last with her band Dufour.
Her last London gig, set to take place on February 26 at the Bullet Bar, was cancelled after the singer's new management company told her to pull all live commitments.
Although Dufour is related to Bin Laden, she was ostracised from the Saudi dynasty as a child after her mother fled the Middle East to preserve her daughters' rights to free thought.
Dufour, who is also a model, has lived in New York for most of her life. She is currently recording her debut album.
The extremely popular movie information site IMDb has new ambitions, says founder Col Needham, ones that will eventually see the site offering "free streaming of its entire database of movies and TV shows." As of typing, there are over 1.3 million movies and shows in IMDb's database.
IMDb is owned by Amazon and over the past few months the company has been getting into the online video market with the launch of its Amazon VOD service.
Needham added that current IMDb traffic is 57 million unique users per month and is by far the most popular site of its kind. The company purchased Box Office Mojo last year, the most popular movie gross tracking website as well.
IMDb leapt into web video last year, adding 14,000 TV episodes and 2000 movies along with 120,000 trailers, interviews and other "bonus features."
Needham did note that there could be one problem, "many of the films may not exist anymore and many may not be available for streaming."
10 March 2009
As some of you know by now, Microsoft has started including the NXE (Fall '08 Dashboard Update) on new game discs. They added this update into the video partition on the disc, which of course makes the partition larger than it always has been on older games. Previously there were 2 known good sizes for the video partition, they were known as "wave1" and "wave2". One of the security features in all iXtreme firmware from 1.0 to the current version 1.5 is a check on the size of the video partition to make sure it matches either wave1 or wave2. The firmware will not boot any game that does not match wave1 or wave2, this is done to prevent booting bad backups and getting banned on Live. Since these new games have a larger video partition that does not match either wave, they do not boot.
They are calling these new games with the larger video partition "wave3" and our hacked firmware will need to be updated to accept this new size as a good value. c4eva has already started working on this and the new firmware will be released for all drives shortly. This new firmware will be version 1.51 and will simply add support for the new video partition size so that backups of new games will boot. All drives will need to be updated to 1.51 in order to play backups of new games!
c4eva has also stated that he plans on releasing firmware with 0800 mode (for ripping original games) for every drive in the near future. This means that all 360 drives, including Hitachi, will then be able to be used to rip original 360 game discs. This will be a feature of iXtreme version 1.6 which will come after 1.51.
There is no ETA on either version but we're told it will not be long on 1.51 and work on 1.6 will resume after that!
hmmmmmm Alachia!
Alachia said...
Sag mal dogspot hast du was gegen Rollenspieler?Wir machen dir ja auch keinen Vorwurf weil du in deiner Freizeit ständig am onanieren bist du w....