29 February 2008

I Heart Obama

Obama Brings Poker Traits to Candidacy

Clues to How Obama Would Play His Hand As President Can Be Found in His Poker Game

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at a rally Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007 in Atlanta. Barack Obama's triumph in the 2004 U.S. Senate race earned him a memorable send-off from his friends in the Illinois legislature - they emptied his wallet in a take-no-prisoners night of poker. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
The Associated Press

Barack Obama's triumph in the 2004 U.S. Senate race earned him a memorable send-off from his friends in the Illinois legislature they emptied his wallet in a take-no-prisoners night of poker.

"We brought him down to earth real quick," said state Sen. Terry Link, chuckling at the memory.

Obama was a regular at the low-stakes games sometimes stud poker, sometimes draw designed to break up the tedium of long legislative sessions. Poker, beer and cigars were staples; Democrats and Republicans, lawmakers and even the lobbyists who Obama sometimes rails against dealt the cards and placed their bets.

The traits Obama displayed around the card table those many nights are ones he brings to his presidential bid and are certain to be evident and analyzed if he wins the White House.

By his poker buddies' accounts, Obama is careful and focused. He's not easily distracted and doesn't give away his intentions unless it's to his advantage. He's not prone to taking risky chances, preferring to play it safe. But he's also serious and competitive: When he plays, he plays to win.

"It's a fun way for people to relax and share stories and give each other a hard time over friendly competition," Obama said by e-mail. "In Springfield, it was a way to get to know other senators including Republicans."

Obama, then a state senator, was a founding member of the group. He became known as a cautious player with a good poker face, someone who paid more attention to the game than to the chatter and laughter that accompanied it.

Obama studied the odds carefully, friends say. If he had strong cards, he'd play. If he didn't, he would fold rather than bet good money on the chance the right card would show up when he needed it.

That reputation meant that he often succeeded when he decided to bluff.

"When Barack stayed in, you pretty much figured he's got a good hand," said Larry Walsh, a former senator.

More than one lawmaker teased Obama about his careful style of play.

Obama Brings Poker Traits to Candidacy

dann halt nich

Assassins Creed - (PC-ISO) draussen


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Video Card: 512 MB DirectX 10.0-compliant video card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher

bissl 4 deck action

ka, fetzt mich jetz net totaaaal weg aber haja ich haus alles rein den müll nä

is immerhin von den moscow leuts

28 February 2008

Lecker Taube

Slam Ball

Anscheinend soll eine neue Liga dieser Vollkontakt Hybrid Sportart geschaffen werden.

Quelle: New York Times

s geht irgendwie um wii bowling

Barbara Meier will wieder Mathe studieren

um. yeah.

David Hasselhoff in Action

27 February 2008

Where the Buffalo Roam

wen's interessiert, hunter s. thompson war der schreiberling von fear and loathing in las vegas
hier nen film mit dem guten bill murray

bbc r1

2008-02-24 - Radio 1 - Fabio & Grooverider | Guest LTJ Bukem

Fabio's away - so LTJ Bukem's taking care of the show! Expect more wicked D&B, plus, Bukem will be catching up with Friction on the phone. Also, Bukem digs deep into his vinyl for a classic Old Skool Mix. Its gonna be BIG!

Sunday 24th February 2008

Furney – Soh Cah Toa (White)
Illogic & Raf – Complex Identities (Bingo)
Squash – Brain Train (Brother Remix) (White)
1Xtra and R1 Official D&B Chart No 1.
Break – Surroundings (Symetry)
Calibre – Fine As Dust (Signature)
Tayla - Turn It Around (White)
A-sides - Tokiado - (White)
Furney – Seen You Before (White)
Conrad and Zero T – Mad Duppy
Holdtight – Breakfast Club
Zero T & Moses – Run Time (White)
Utah Jazz – Leap Of Faith (Good Looking)
Funktastics – Wild Willy (Good Looking)
Passai – Going Beyond (White)
Little Child – Brother (White)

Friction on the phone

Eveson – Simply (White)
Calibre – Zombie Life (Signature)
The Old Skool Moment...
Mendoza – Untitled (White)
Black Dog – Virtual (Black Dog Production)
System X – Bumpy Instrumental (Subversion)
The Charm – Dementation (White)
Tic Tac Toe - Untitled (White)
Rene & Angela – Secret Rendez-Vous (Capital)


bloss so mal grad übern weg gelaufen

26 February 2008

Pforten dicht

Am 28. Februar schaltet DivX Networks die Server seines Videoportals Stage6 ab. DivX begründet die Entscheidung damit, dass man sich auf sein Kerngeschäft mit DivX-Lizenzen für Unterhaltungselektronik konzentrieren wolle. Dadurch, dass DivX keine Ressourcen mehr für Stage6 aufwenden müsse, werde die Firma DivX ihr Profil schärfen und den Unternehmenswert des börsennotierten Unternehmens maximieren, erklärte DivX-Geschäftsführer Kevin Hell.

Schade, war bisher ne super alternative zu Youtube, vor allen dingen was die Quali der Videos angeht.

Quelle: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/104031/from/atom10

No comment

Unnecessary Censorship

25 February 2008

Übernahme-Poker: Take-Two lehnt EA-Angebot ab

In einer offiziellen Meldung hat Take-Two auch Electronic Arts zweites Übernahme-Angebot abgelehnt. Vorsitzender Strauss Zelnick gab an, EA habe den Wert seiner Firma völlig unterschätzt. Sowohl finanziell als auch ideel sei Take-Two sehr viel mehr wert.

Darüber hinaus sei Take-Two auf einem steilen Weg der Besserung: "Wir haben schon beträchtliche Fortschritte gemacht, die Kehrtwende in unserem Unternehmen [...] ist noch nicht abgeschlossen und die positiven Auswirkungen wurden bis jetzt weder vom Aktienmarkt noch von EA wahrgenommen." Auch für das laufenden Hot Coffee-Verfahren seien schon Kredite gesichert.

Der Absage vorausgegangen war eine die Veröffentlichung eines Briefes von John Riccitiello an Strauss Zelnick, in dem der EA-Boss 26 Euro pro Aktie für Take-Two bot. Das entspräche knapp 2 Milliarden Dollar und läge 63 Prozent über dem derzeitigen Marktwert des Publishers.

Take-Two hat darüber hinaus den gesamten Briefwechsel zwischen Riccitello und Strauss Zelnick veröffentlicht. Daraus geht hervor, dass Take-Two sich eine "Stilleperiode" bis zum 30. April (GTA 4 erscheint am 29. April) erbeten hatte.

Während dieser Zeit sollten keine Details über die Verhandlungen an die Öffentlichkeit treten. Im Gegenzug wollte Take-Two nicht in Gespräche mit anderen Interessenten eintreten, ohne EA zu informieren. Das Riccitiello das Schweigen nun aber gebrochen hat, scheint Strauss Zelnick als Affront anzusehen:

"Aufgrund der großen Bedeutung des Grand Theft Auto 4-Releases für den Wert von Take-Two, hat der Vorstand [...] beschlossen, die Gespräche zu verschieben, bis GTA 4 erschienen ist. [...] Deswegen haben wir EA angeboten, die Gespräche am 30. April zu initiieren. Wir glauben, dieser Vorschlag hat unser Engagement für die Aktieninhaber demonstriert, während EAs Verweigerung, diesem Weg zu folgen, ein klarer Beweis für das Begehren ist, Take-Two billig zu erstehen..."

Electronic Arts will Grand Theft Auto

Der Game-Gigant Electronic Arts hat fast zwei Milliarden Dollar für Take Two Interactive geboten. Der Kauf würde nicht nur den erwarteten Blockbuster "Grand Theft Auto IV" zu EA holen, sondern auch die beiden größten Sportspiel-Produzenten der Welt vereinen. Doch Take Two ziert sich.

Your Career might be over

Wers noch nich kennt......

23 February 2008

Moldable Mouse

moldable_mouse0.jpgDie moldable mouse wurde 2007 mit mit dem Red Dot Award ausgezeichnet und soll die ergonomischte Maus unter den Mäusen sein. Die moldable mouse besteht aus einer knetbaren Gummi Masse, somit kann die moldable mouse jede form annehmen und lässt sich für jede person indviduell umformen und kneten. Ein richtiges Chamäleon ..


Quelle http://www.techpin.com/its-not-a-standard-mouse-its-the-moldable-mouse/

20 February 2008

isch hau ihne in die fresse

Frozen Grand Central

spiders on drugs

laserdisc oh laserdisc

Grand Theft Auto 4 to have realistic drunks due to Euphoria

Grand Theft Auto 4 screenshot - Image 1 

Using the power of NaturalMotion's Euphoria technology, Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 4 (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3) promises the most convincing drunkenness in video games to date.

NaturalMotion's CEO Torsten Reil explained how protagonist Niko Bellic will move realistically after downing a few bottles, and we're definitely eager to see Grand Theft Auto 4 in action after hearing what he had to say.

According to Reil and NaturalMotion's head of technology Simon Mack, Euphoria is a full AI and motion system that creates characters with fully simulated bodies, muscles and nervous systems. Rockstar used this technology together with other physics middleware to create AI character reactions coupled with accurate animation in Grand Theft Auto 4.

NaturalMotion is developing its own game, Backbreaker, which will employ Euphoria to create a realistic football game where players have limitless ways tackle. Learn more about it by clicking on the "Via" link below.

[Via Next-gen]



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DoubleTwist - DVD Jon will digitale Medien befreien

Austausch von Musik, Filmen und Fotos über Geräte- und Formatgrenzen hinweg

DoubleTwist will digitale Medien von ihren Fesseln befreien und dafür sorgen, dass Musik auf möglichst vielen Geräten angespielt und mit Freunden leicht getauscht werden kann. Hinter der Software steckt unter anderem Jon Lech Johansen (alias DVD Jon), der bislang durch Software zur Umgehung von Kopierschutzsystemen aufgefallen war.

Gegründet wurde DoubleTwist im März 2007 von Monique Farantzos und Jon Lech Johansen, finanziert wird das Unternehmen von den Risikokapitalgebern Index Ventures und Northzone Ventures. Nutzer sollen ihre digitalen Medien wie Musik, Filme und Fotos auf möglichst vielen Geräten abspielen können, ganz gleich ob PC, MP3-Player, Spielekonsole oder Handy, so die Idee hinter DoubleTwist.

Dazu bietet DoubleTwist eine gleichnamige Software an, die es erlaubt, Musik zwischen verschiedenen Systemen zu synchronisieren und mit Freunden über Social-Networks auszutauschen, ganz gleich, in welchen Formaten die Musikstücke, Filme oder Fotos vorliegen und auf welchen Geräten sie abgespielt werden sollen. Neben einer Desktop-Software bietet DoubleTwist dazu auch eine Facebook-Applikation an. Darüber können DoubleTwist-Nutzer einzelne Musiktitel an Freunde versenden.

DoubleTwist unterstützt Videodateien in den Formaten 3GP, MPEG4, WMV, AVI und MPEG2, Audiodateien in den Formaten MP3, AAC, WMA und WAV sowie Bilder in Form von JPG-, GIF-, PNG- und BMP-Dateien. Entsprechende Medien lassen sich zwischen Sonys PSP, Geräten aus Nokias N-Series, den Walkman- und Cybershot-Handys von Sony Ericsson, LGs Viewty und anderen Geräten mit Windows Mobile sowie PalmOS abgleichen. Apples iPhone soll in Kürze durch eine Webapplikation unterstützt werden, so dass auch auf dieses Gerät Musikdateien gesendet werden können. Auch ein Abgleich mit iTunes ist möglich.

Auch Musik, die über iTunes gekauft wurde, bringt DoubleTwist auf andere Geräte. Dazu wandelt DoubleTwist die per DRM geschützten AAC-Dateien in MP3-Dateien um, vorausgesetzt, die jeweiligen Stücke lassen sich auf dem jeweiligen System regulär mit iTunes abspielen.

Die Desktop-Applikation steht ab sofort für Windows XP und Windows Vista unter doubletwist.com zum Download bereit, eine Version für MacOS X soll im zweiten Quartal folgen. Die Software erkennt, sobald eines der unterstützten Geräte angeschlossen wird und erlaubt dann die Synchronisation von Musiktiteln.

Add Full Web Pages to iGoogle

How To

Add Full Web Pages to iGoogle

The Google Operating System points out an overlooked but seriously worthy iGoogle gadget that can display entire up-to-date web pages inside a tab on Google's start page service. You might have seen this trick deep inside our Show Us Your iGoogle gallery, but it deserves its own spotlight here. You'll want to create a new tab for each web page you want to embed, and make sure that tab is selected before clicking the "Add to Google" link on creator Michael Bolin's page. Best of all, dynamic web apps seem to work fine inside the tabs, giving you access to Gmail, Google Reader, Remember the Milk, or any other of your favorites, right from your point of browser entry. Got your own embedded page timesavers on your start page, Google or otherwise? Share your sites in the comments.


Der Größte LCD-TV der Welt stammt von Sharp. Er misst in der Diagonalen 108 Zoll (2,74 m) und wiegt 400 Kilo.


eh wer ändertn da immer rum in den settings, hatten auf einma alle keine admin rechte mehr und das template hats zum 5. mal zerwachst.
soll jeder ruhig abgehn und quatsch machen aber nich da rummachen bei template zeugs und den dicken settings wegen dem ganzen special scheiss.


Das Missing Link zwischen Zwieback und Toast

Zwillinge, niemals wirklich getrennt, in einer Packung vereint Die längste Zeit ging die
Wissenschaft davon aus, dass Toast und Zwieback zwei völlig entkoppelte Zweige in der Evolution der Backwaren verkörpern und allenfalls den Weizenfladen als gemeinsamen Ahnen haben. Jetzt wurde am Rand der Schweizer Alpen – genauer gesagt: im einem Genfer Hotel-Frühstücksraum – ein transitionales Fossil gefunden, das eine sehr viel engere Verwandschaftsbeziehung als vermutet erhärtet. Der Toast der Luzerner Firma Hug, den es alternativ zur Zweierpackung auch als 3,24 Kilo Bulk-Package gibt, kann bei Morgensonne besehen nur als Zwieback interpretiert werden. Den letzten Beweis erbrachte der Aufdruck "Biscottes", der nichts anderes bedeutet als Zwieback auf Französisch. Die Bedeutung des Fundes kann kaum hoch genug eingeschätzt werden; eventuell muss jetzt die Geschichte der Brotkultur in Europa umgeschrieben werden.

19 February 2008


Die Kunst der Zerstörung - Die spektakulärsten Sprengungen

Abgelegt in Bauwerke, Wissenschaft von Iron am 11 Februar 2008

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC präsentiert die spektakulärsten Sprengungen der Welt. Anhand von Originalaufnahmen einzigartigen ComputerAnimationen und Interviews mit den ausführenden Sprengkommandos erfahren die Zuschauer aus erster Hand welche Herausforderungen sich bei der Beseitigung der gewaltigsten Gebäude der Welt stellen.

Größe: 390 MB (DivX) | Dauer: 00:49:52 | Uploader: Iron

Download: Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5

Mirror: Part 1

Das Passwort lautet stets doku.dl.am oder doku.cc




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Kidd und Allen zu Mavericks!!!

Der Deal sieht so aus:

Jason Kidd und Malik Allen (New Jersey Nets)
- Keith van Horn, Trenton Hassell, Devin Harris, DeSagana Diop, Maurice Ager (alle Dallas Mavericks), zwei first-round-picks und Bares.

Näheres unter: http://nbakokolores.blogspot.com/

History of Football: The Beautiful Game Box Set Xvid


This 13-part documentary comes on seven discs, and is just about the most comprehensive history of the world;s greatest game that could ever be imagined. We;re being serious. Disc One is called Origins and Football Cultures and looks at the early (and we mean early) history of the game, as well as examining the role of football in cultures as varied as Spain, the USA and Ghana. The informative yet entertaining tone of the series is established here, with Terence Stamp making his presence felt as the narrator and interviews coming from both historians and past and present footballers. Disc Two regales you with two hoursworth of delving into the history of European football, in the shape of Evolution of the European Game and European Superpowers. Interviewees include Bobby Charlton, Phil Neal, Zinedine Zidane and a whole host of other football high rollers, and there's so much archive footage it?s actually scary. Disc Three is called Brazil and The South American Superpowers, and does exactly what it says on the, er, box. Lots of footage of lithe, healthy-looking individuals fooling the opposition with their ball skills, lots of interviews with the likes of Pele, Ronaldo and Socrates. The emphasis changes slightly for Club and Country and The Dark Side, the two documentaries on Disc Four. They look at the more serious side of the game -- examining first the development of the likes of Manchester United into a global colossus, and then tragedies such as the Munich air crash and Hillsborough. If you?re still in the mood by Disc Five, the next topics for discussion are the world?s best players in Superstars and their relationship with their adoring public in The Media. Perhaps the most engaging of all the discs, number five provides a fascinating look at the way football has influenced wider culture and vice-versa. Last up are Africa, A Game for All and The Future, which look at the development of the game as a global phenomenon from Africa to Japan, as well as the increasingly important role of big business. All in all, then, a staggering collection of fascinating football documentaries, made all the more better by the generous extras.

Subtitles sendspace

The non-English portions are undubbed. Subtitles are available for these parts only (and for some reason the interview with Jimmy Johnstone).

Technical Specs

Video Codec: xvid

Video Bitrate: ~1660 kbps (1200 kbps for extras)

Video Resolution: 640 � 352

Video Aspect Ratio: 1:1.82 (~16:9)

Audio Codec: mp3

Audio BitRate: 192 kbps @ 48 kHz

Audio Channels: 2

RunTime Per Part: ~52:20

Number Of Parts: 13

Part Size: ~700 Mib

Ripped by bongomaniac

Part 1: Origins mininova

From the ancient games and rituals that predate football by thousands of years, to the playing fields of Victorian Britain, this programme explores the bloody and very often fatal origins of a sport that became a global obsession.

Part 2: Football Cultures mininova

Religion in Iran. Economics in the USA. Politics in Spain and Ghana. This programme follows football's role within international cultures.

Part 3: Evolution of the European Game mininova

This episode charts the major trends that helped shape the development of European football into the game it is today from early English and Scottish pioneers to the unbeatable Italians of the 1930s, and the all-conquering Hungarians of the early 1950s.

Part 4: European Superpowers mininova

Real Madrid in the 1950s, the Dutch and Germans of the 1970s, Liverpool in the 1980s, and Milan and the French national teams of the 1990s - all teams that have changed football history. This programme charts the fluctuating balance of power between Northern and Southern Europe.

Part 5: Brazil mininova

This programme explores Brazil's dominance as a footballing nation in the global game, as well as the more violent and racist side of Brazilian football.

Part 6: South American Superpowers mininova

South American countries have won eight World Cups and this programme focuses on how teams from there have changed the course of football history, from the dominance of the River Plate countries of Argentina and Uruguay in the early years, to the emergence of Columbia in the 1990s.

Part 7: For Club and Country mininova

This programme charts the trials and tribulations of French football, how it developed over the years and how winning France '98 and Euro 2000 has helped the country to find its own footballing culture.

Also examined is the evolution of Juventus into one of the world's superclubs. Dwight Yorke talks about balancing the requirements of Manchester United with Trinidad, and Alex Ferguson discusses the changes he's seen at Manchester United. the first billion pound club.

Part 8: The Dark Side mininova

This episode draws together events and stories that have made headline news. Tragedies that have brought communities together; a war sparked by a match, and hooliganism that has threatened the very existence of the game.

Part 9: Superstars mininova

From Billy Meredith and Mattias Sindelar, to Pel�, Alfredo di Stefano, Garrincha, Maradona and Zidane, this programme looks at the careers of players who have risen above the rest and left their indelible and lasting mark on the history of football.

Part 10: The Media mininova

First newspaper reports of football relied on pigeon-post delivering updates from the football ground to newspaper offices. By the 1990s television was fuelling the growing wealth of the game and this programme looks at how the media's role has changed over the past century.

Part 11: Africa mininova

Pel� had said that an African country would win a World Cup by the turn of the 21st century. From colonial intervention, poverty and segregation, to independence and dictatorship, this programme measures Africa's huge potential against its continued failure to succeed at international level.

Part 12: A Game For All mininova

Away from the stadiums, players and fans, this episode follows the battle for the soul of football as it becomes an increasingly global game. It also focuses on the history of FIFA and other powerbrokers that influence the spread of the game culturally as well as commercially.

Part 13: Futures mininova

This programme looks to the past to learn the lessons that will help shape the future of football as well as examining the recent growth of the game in Asia.

Extras: sendspace

the novel

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Grand Theft Auto 4 Gameplay Preview

Grand Theft Auto 4: The City

But in all honestly, the star is not Niko, it's the city he inhabits. Liberty City is the best representation of a real world city we've ever seen in a video game. Sure it's not "real," but it could be. It's designed with everything you'd expect from a bustling metropolis. A working mass transit system, skyscrapers, residential districts, a police force and lots and lots of traffic. GTA has always been about giving you that feeling of believability, not so much in the story and actions of the characters, but in that you feel that you're cruising around a living world. Assassin's Creed managed to pull this off rather well (at least, the environments did), but GTA 4 takes this several steps further.

Also, unlike the Liberty City in GTA 3, which was kind of a blend between NYC and Chicago, without any major, recognizable landmarks, this Liberty City is all about the Big Apple. There's the Statue of Liberty, the Met Life building, the Chrysler Building and Central Park. The Cloverfield monster would totally feel at home here. Of course, everything's just a tad different, as it's more of a satire on NYC than a one-to-one interpretation, so the Statue of Liberty becomes the Statue of Happiness (holding a coffee cup, natch), the Met Life building becomes the Get A Life Building, and so forth. It's not just Manhattan, though. Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and even New Jersey are represented, replicating their unique sights (and smells) for your enjoyment.

Grand Theft Auto 4: Gameplay Improvements

Once you get over the impressive feel of the city, you can begin to discover the improvements that have been made to the basic GTA gameplay, some of which are long overdue. Aiming and shooting, always a chore in previous games, is now strikingly similar to games like Splinter Cell and even Gears of War, allowing you to move into an over-the-shoulder view and control aiming and movement with the two analog sticks. Lock on is still there, but it's optional and generally meant for larger groups of enemies, as you can flick back and forth between targets very quickly.

Another huge improvement that's long overdue is the auto-save. Lets say you finished playing a half hour-long mission, only to accidentally fall off the side of a building to get hit by a car before you were able to go back to your safe house. Sure you could sacrifice all your weapons and a chunk of money for a hospital stay, but most everyone who played GTA reloaded the game and tried again, rather than having to make back the losses. In GTA 4, the auto save instantly records your progress from anywhere in the game, so driving back to a safe house is only necessary when you want to store a car or get a change of clothes.

Other improvements include a GPS system for getting around town easier (with fancy voice-over directions in luxury cars), a taxi system for fast travel to get anywhere in the city instantly (for a fee) and a minimized HUD, which integrates almost everything you need to know into the radar, with other info like ammo and weapons popping up when neccesary. The cell phone is also a definite bonus, as you're able to call in missions when you complete them, get weapon drops when you're in a tight spot or even call in a helicopter if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere. GTA 4 seems to be all about streamlining the painful parts of the series and getting you right into the action.

Grand Theft Auto 4: The Missions

Speaking of action, we were able to check out a nice variety of missions from the game. The first was pretty standard for GTA: find a criminal, chase him down in your car and kill him. To aid in your search you can steal a cop car and use its internal computer to search the criminal's name, giving you likely hang out locations. Once the chase starts, though, you'll have to use some fancy driving and gunplay (using the games new in-car aiming system, akin to Saint's Row) to take him down.

Things progressed from there, as we took on a construction union in downtown Manhatt -er Algonquin, using a sniper rifle to pick off the guards and then moving in and around the cover of a construction sight to get to the leadership in an awaiting helicopter. Mostly on-foot, these missions used to be a serious chore in previous GTA games, but thanks to the new aiming controls, it looked a lot cleaner and more fun to play.

The third mission involved hijacking a truck loaded with drugs. After a brief gun battle, Niko chased down the truck on foot, grabbing onto the rear bumper and climbing on to the roof of the vehicle. From here the objective was to get to the cab of the truck, holding on for dear life every time the driver took a quick turn. Once in the front, though, a quick disarm and a close range pistol shot was all Niko needed to make their drugs his drugs.

The final mission was really more of an optional quest to better your relationship with Roman. Contacts will call you on your cell at random points in the game, asking you to do them favors or hang out with them. Get a strong enough rapport with someone and they'll help you out. In Roman's case he'll let you cruise around in one of his helicopters. But first we had to do some drinking. The actual mission just requires getting home, but 4 blocks becomes miles when you've had a few too many. Niko's walk is staggered and driving is a mess, so it takes a steady hand and a strong stomach to be able to get home without getting pulled over or driving into the river.

As you can tell, there's a ton to talk about in Grand Theft Auto 4, but hopefully this has given you a good starting point to go off of. We should be getting another look at the game, this time on the PS3, in a few weeks, but until then we've got a boatload of screens for your enjoyment.


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Cool Sports Torrents

Just realised that torrent sites for almost all categories are posted but i cld not find any for sports.
Well for the sake of all sports buffs, i think it wld be nice if we cld post all sport related torrent sites under one thread

here are my picks

For all football/soccer related stuff, this site is awesome
For all motorsport enthusiasts,
I hope the others can post similar links here.

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Old 23 May 07, 01:42 PM
Old 23 May 07, 08:30 PM

Default Re: Sports Torrents


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18 February 2008

Who the Hell is Clark Kent

Ein neuer Superman am Himmel......


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Future Wars

Manhunter 1: New York

Manhunter 2: San Francisco

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