29 March 2008

Internet traffic

Nocturnal P2P transmissions account for 95 percent of Internet traffic

By Nate Anderson | Published: November 28, 2007 - 11:24AM CT

P2P apps are popular around the globe, even in regions where Internet access speeds are low. New research from German deep packet inspection gear maker ipoque shows that in places like Eastern Europe, P2P apps can account for an astonishing 95 percent of all nighttime traffic. The survey also found that one particular peer-to-peer app, Skype, is also single-handedly responsible for 95 percent of all Internet telephony.

Ipoque gathered its data with the permission of ISPs and universities in Europe, the Middle East, and Australia between August and September of this year (we covered the preliminary numbers back in September). In all, the three petabytes of information collected show that P2P sucks up anywhere between 49 and 83 percent of all Internet traffic during the day, and can spike much higher at night.

P2P use spikes at night in Europe (Chart courtesy ipoque)

In Southern Europe, for instance, game downloads account for 25.5 percent of P2P traffic. Movies make up 38.8 percent, while pornography is a mere 1.8 percent. In the Middle East, by contrast, games are downloaded far less (6.3 percent), but movies much more (48 percent). Porn also makes up 5 percent of the traffic.

BitTorrent is, not surprisingly, the number one protocol, but eDonkey continues to hold its own. And the number one tracker in the world? The Pirate Bay, of course.

27 March 2008

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25 March 2008

24 March 2008


20 March 2008

19 March 2008


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17 March 2008



16 March 2008

13 March 2008


The Beijing Marathon - Pollution and Performance

Yesterday bought the sensational news that Haile Gebrselassie had made the "99% sure" decision to withdraw from the Olympic Marathon in Beijing and rather enter the 10,000m event.

His reason? The pollution, combined with his asthma, the heat and the humidity in Beijing posed a risk to his health, and he did not wish to compromise his chances in the 2012 London Olympics, or his ambition to run a 2:03 Marathon in the future.

Gebrselassie is a great athlete, maybe the greatest ever, but this story has a bizarre sound to it. For one thing, to make a decision now based on a race he hopes to run in four years' time, when there's even less chance of being competitive (he'll be 39, at the end of a career that has lasted 19 years!) does not seem a very sound one.

Secondly, it's highly unlikely that running the marathon in Beijing would affect his health in the long term. What it might do (and we'll get to this later) is affect his performance in the short term! That is, he might not have a very good race, perhaps, and worst case scenario, he'd be forced to bail from the race with breathing difficulties. But to suggest that his marathon running future is at stake is a little extreme.

Third, the pollution in Beijing is something of an unknown quantity, in that no one can say with any certainty how it will affect performances. To make a decision like this, fully 5 months out from the Olympics, seems to be jumping the gun a little. However, since we only know what is reported in the media, any speculation as to the process he followed (that is, consulting experts, visiting and trying to run in Beijing etc.) would be pretty wild. So instead of speculating wildly, I thought it better to dig up some information on the Beijing Marathon and see if it might be a guide as to what we could expect.

Performances in the Beijing Marathon - are they a guide to what we can expect?

This morning, I received an email from Amby Burfoot, providing a link to a really great site for statistics and marathon information.

The site has records on the Beijing Marathon, which is run every year in October. Some of these statistics are shown in the table below:

So, of interest is that despite not attracting a world class field of sub-2:07 men and 2:22 women, the times in Beijing (in October, at least) are quite decent - a 2:11:00 seems pedestrian compared to what we've seen in recent times in London, Berlin and Chicago, but it's by no means a disaster, particularly considering the relative weakness of the field. The worst performances in the last 12 years, incidentally, are more likely due to weak fields than any weather conditions, because in 2000, when the men were particularly slow, the women's winning time was 2:26, which is reasonable, and close to the overall average. Similarly, in 2006, when the women were slow, the men's race was won in 2:10:36, suggesting that conditions were not too hostile for fast times.

Speaking of conditions, what do we expect of Beijing?

Admittedly, the weather in October changes between August, when the Olympic Marathon takes place, and mid-October, when the Beijing Marathon is run. The weather stats are shown below:

The change in minimum temperature is particularly marked, I was surprised at how large it was. That 13 degree difference would of course have a profound effect on performances. Similarly, the change in relative humidity is significant. So the environmental conditions, it would seem, are a very real factor. But then we've known that all along, and it's going to be no hotter in Beijing than it was in Osaka last year for the World Championships, where times were slower, but it certainly was not impossible to run. And then of course, this is an issue mainly about pollution, not heat. The above racing performances seem to suggest that the pollution in Beijing is not so bad that it slows athletes down profoundly. Then again, one might argue that these athletes don't have asthma, as Gebrselassie apparently does...

The comparison between the Beijing Marathon and the Olympic Marathon therefore probably leaves us with more questions than answers! The two big unknowns, of course, are:

  1. What is the pollution level in August compared to October?
  2. How much does pollution, heat and humidity affect the very best elite athletes?
If anyone out there has access to pollution statistics in Beijing, please let us know! It would be interesting, as one commenter noted in the previous post, to compare London to Beijing. Again, this would serve only to provide some level of numerical comparison, just as the comparision between October and August does, because to actually predict performance implications based on this is not quite as simple as one might have hoped!

I'm sure there's a lot left in this story, and certainly in the pollution in Beijing story. We'll follow its developments!

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Method One & Stunna - Sleight Of Hand - ??

Atlantic Connection - True Love - Prestige Music

Calibre - Sok It To Em - Signature

Eveson - Spirit Song - Midnight Sun

Survival - Delta - Audio Tactics

Red Eyes - The Contrast - ??

Cern - Lucid State - ??

Physics - From The Soul - Midnight Sun

Mosus & Zero Tolerance - Runtime - Liquid V

Generic - La Belle Dub - ??

Nymfo - Cybernetic Disorder - ??

Blocks - Simmer Down - ??

Calibre - Alone In A Crowd - Overflow LP

Soul Intent - A.I. - 31 Records

Marcus Intalex - Skizm - Soul:R

Eveson - Simply - ??

Spectrasoul - How Strange - ??

Calibre - Lo Note - Overflow LP

Break - Destiny Comes Ringing - Commercial Suicide

Digital, Generic, & Lutin - Phantasy - Function

Nymfo - Paperboy - ??

State Of Mind & Trei - True Stories - (Upbeats Remix) - Samurai

State Of Mind - Dead Eye - SOM Music

Soul Intent - Bass Cadet - ??

Jubei & Tyrone - Tremor - I.T.

Lenzman - Marseille - ??

Yorkee - Synth Dawn - ??

neuer job

Die Rückkehr der Margarethe Schreinemakers
Lebenshilfe pur, das will Margarethe Schreinamkers in ihrer neuen Sendnung bieten. Die 49-Jährige kehrt nach einigen Jahren Fernseh-Abstinenz wieder auf den Bildschirm zurück. Schreineamkers wird mit ihrer Sendung bei "Neun TV" zu sehen sein. Es handelt sich um ein Live-Format, dass aus ihrem eigenen Haus gesendet wird.

Margarethe Schreinemakers

12 March 2008

YouTube: Get Higher-Resolution YouTube Videos with a URL Hack

"YouTube announced in November that they would be testing out encoding videos at higher resolutions (and with higher-quality audio encoding). Now it appears that a small sampling of uploaded videos can already be seen at their higher resolutions, simply by adding a little tag to the end of the video's URL. To get a noticeable bump in resolution on some clips, add &fmt=6 to the end of the address line. The trick, according to YouTube watchers, seems to work primarily with newer videos, and bumps the resolution from 320x240 to 448x336. Add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL, and you might get an MP4-encoded version, with better audio and a 480x360 resolution. Update: Now the Better YouTube Firefox extension includes this feature.

11 March 2008

Bruno vs Neo Nazi's

07 March 2008


Hamburger Rechtspopulist Schill

Tell Me Now If You Don't Want To See My Penis

By Lowell P. Thurber
May 7, 1997 | Issue 31•17

Lowell P. Thurber
| The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Listen, it's obvious we're having a problem in the communications department. In the future, you've got to tell me what it is you want right away, because otherwise I've got no way of knowing that you don't want to see my penis. I'm a pretty sharp guy, but you can't expect me to know how you're feeling all the time. Unless you tell me, I'm going to just assume that you want to see my penis.

I wish you wouldn't get so angry with me. What am I, a mind reader? How is it I'm supposed to know what you're thinking? I'm no Uri Geller. I'm just a guy with, if I do say so myself, a very nice penis. Hefty. Thick. Purpose-built. Nature's purest expression of form following function. A miracle of evolutionary design. There's no way anyone could look at it and think it's anything but a fine, healthy penis. I know, because out of the literally thousands of people who have seen it, not one of them has mistaken it for anything but a penis.

So please, you've got to be more clear in the future. If you don't want to see it, let me know beforehand, and I'd be happy to accommodate you.

To be honest, though, while I respect your wishes, I really don't see what it is about my penis that you object to. It might not be the biggest penis in the world, but maybe you've just seen more of them than I have, because it's a nice, big penis. Clean, too. No moss or anything on it—I even dip it in Nair twice a week out of consideration for people who want to see it, which is everyone as far as I know. I know this because no one ever comes to me and tells me they don't want to see it until after they've already gotten a good, long look.

If it bothers you that much, perhaps the best solution would be for you to leave the room whenever I'm thinking about taking out my penis, which is, unfortunately, all the time. It'd be a shame, though, because I enjoy the company. I like you, and I like knowing that you get to see my penis. Human beings are social animals, and I'm no exception: Showing my penis is my way of being part of the crowd.

More important, do you think I'd show my penis so much if I wasn't a friendly person? Of course not. I'm not just doing this for myself, though it does give me the warm feeling that comes from sharing. I do this because I want everyone to be my friend. And there's no better way to make friends than by showing people your penis.

All this talking about my penis makes me want to see it right now. Just to look at it, mind you. I'm not going to touch it in any fashion that doesn't relate to letting everyone see it better. That would be sexual, and that's not the point. The point is that everyone should get to see it. Therefore, if I have to raise it up a bit, or otherwise manipulate it so that it's more visible, then that's what I have to do. Of course, if you still don't want to see it, I won't take it out at all, out of respect for your weird neuroses.

I thank you for your time.

05 March 2008

Steve vs Steve

"Im Grunde sind Macs Rentnerrechner, betreutes Computing gewissermaßen. Keine Viren, kaum Systemcrashs, automatische Festplattenbereinigung - mit einem Apple zu arbeiten, ist wie Nordic Walking. Eine Idee langsamer als sonst und mit teuren Krücken, die dafür sorgen, dass man nicht umfällt.

Ein Arbeitstag an einem Windows-Rechner ist dagegen ein Tanz auf dem Vulkan, ein Ritt auf einem wilden, ungezähmten Bullen, mit der Wut des bösen Steve im Bauch."

Zitat Spiegel Online


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Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

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04 March 2008

life of larry

larry & steve

03 March 2008

Breaking Bad

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Taliban takes high cover

IMAGE: Soldier and marijuana forest

TALIBAN TAKES HIGH COVER!!! <--------klick

02 March 2008

verwandt mit IHM?

Eternal Salvation or triple your Money back

SubGenius Commercial

breaking news


baddam tschack


FOX denkt über «Family Guy» Spin-Off nach

Bei dem neuen Projekt von Seth McFarlane übernimmt niemand geringeres als Cartoon-Figur Cleveland Brown - der Nachbar von Peter Griffin - die Hauptrolle.

Unter dem Arbeitstitel «Cleveland» entwickelt McFarlane gemeinsam mit Mike Henry und Rich Appel das neue animierte Format. Während Henry seine Stimme dem Protagonisten Cleveland schenkt, ist er des Weiteren noch an der Produktion neben McFarlane und Appel beteiligt. Die Serie «Cleveland» handelt von dem Leben von Cleveland Brown und wird auf ähnliche humoristische Einlagen wie das Mutterprogramm setzen.

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01 March 2008

guitar hero fahren

Auf http://www.audio-surf.com gibts guitar hero im Auto. Werd das gleich mal abchecken. Funktioniert mit eigenen mp3s und erzeugt daraus live Rennstrecken.

mal durchgespielt

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Wie MP3 die Qualität der Musik zerstört hat

Die Musikindustrie hat ein Problem: Junge Fans pfeifen auf Klangqualität. Sie hören Musik in Form von MP3-Dateien, nutzen lausige Anlagen mit schlechten Lautsprechern oder krächzende Handys. Noch schlimmer: Viele Produzenten verhunzen im Lautstärkewahn die Tonabmischungen. Doch nun formiert sich Widerstand.
